From the Muzelle refuge to Bourg d'Arud
Coucher de soleil sur le lac du Lauvitel
Coucher de soleil sur le lac du Lauvitel - © Parc national des Écrins - Bertrand Bodin
Les Deux Alpes

2. From the Muzelle refuge to Bourg d'Arud

Lake and glacier
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After the well-deserved rest after the climbs of the day before, there is nothing like an early morning ascent to Col du Vallon to admire Lake Muzelle and the Barre des Ecrins, followed by a fine descent with a view over the total reserve of Lauvitel and the lake.

Two lakes, two atmospheres. The view over Lake Muzelle from Col du Vallon reveals a bare, lunar landscape. But the descent towards Lake Lauvitel is through preserved vegetation that is a hallmark of the area.


Start off by walking round Lake Muzelle anticlockwise then turn onto a path through the mountain pastures, after a section through the scree, followed by a steep climb with small zigzags arriving just below the Col du Vallon. You can admire the Barre des Ecrins, which is seldom seen from this direction, and Lake Muzelle and its refuge. The descent towards Le Lauvitel starts off in an environment scattered with slabs of roches moutonnées (or sheepback), followed by a fine path with lush vegetation overlooking the lake from start to finish. During the descent, you will have to cross the mountain stream a few times and there are a few sections with handrails. At the lake, you can enjoy the “beach" for a rest before finishing the descent towards La Danchère. The path is mainly shaded, but there are sometimes a lot of people. After passing by a water supply point, continue the descent as far as La Danchère (you can take a drinks break in the lovely country gardens), cross the village, pass the hotel and then take the right-hand fork at the chapel, then left at the next intersection. Follow the road for a few dozen metres and then take the path that begins opposite in the bend in the road. After a few metres, turn into a large path on the right, along the powerful River Vénéon, and continue into the forest. At “Parc Aventure", continue straight on as far as the village of L'Alleau and then go down as far as the car park.

  • Departure : Muzelle refuge
  • Arrival : Bourg d'Arud
  • Towns crossed : Les Deux Alpes and Le Bourg-d'Oisans

9 points of interest

  • Le refuge de la Muzelle
    Le refuge de la Muzelle - PNE - Albert Christophe

    Muzelle refuge

    The bottom of the valley comes up to the rock wall at Muzelle, the pic du Clapier du Peyron and the head of the Muraillette. The modern history of this place is marked by mountaineering. It was on the 2nd July 1875 that Coolidge guided by  Almer father and son opened the normal way to Roche de la Muzelle by the East North East face and  the North-East ridge.. At this time, even if a pastoral cabin was used by the mountaineers the bivouac was still often used in the Muzelle valley. In 1967, it was in the rocky cirque that the community built the refuge on the shore of Muzelle lake. 

  • La truite fario
    La truite fario - PNE - Telmon Jean-Philippe

    Lac de la Muzelle

    The Lac de la Muzelle is a glacier lake with cold waters, poor in life. The fish population is limited to salmonids (Arctic char, brook trout, etc.). Their active period is limited to summer. Since their food sources are low, they suffer from dwarfism. Each year, scientific monitoring is carried out by various universities and the National Park: samples of fish, phytoplankton, zooplankton and physical measurements.

  • Vautours fauves
    Vautours fauves - Marion Molina

    Griffon vultures

    From the Col du Vallon, you can sometimes see griffon vultures. The bird returned to the mountains a few years ago. Bigger than an eagle, with beige and brown plumage, it generally glides in flight, and its movements are broad and slow. But what characterises the species above all is its gregariousness: griffon vultures like to be together, whether on the ground or in the air. This behavioural adaptation makes it easier for them to find the animal carcasses they feed on.

  • Aigle royal en vol
    Aigle royal en vol - Mireille Coulon - PNE

    Golden eagles

    Several birds of prey cross the skies above L’Oisans. Among them are two couples of golden eagles that share the Muzelle and Lauvitel valleys. They have an impressive wingspan (2.30 m on average), are mostly brown colour, and often hunt marmots at low altitude.
  • Réserve intégrale du Lauvitel, relevé des lignes de lecture de la végétation
    Réserve intégrale du Lauvitel, relevé des lignes de lecture de la végétation - Denis Fiat - PNE

    Réserve intégrale du Lauvitel

    The Lauvitel full reserve area was created on 9 May 1995, and is a first in France in a National Park. It lies at the end of the valley and has been owned by the state since 1980. This area, where all human activity is forbidden, is a site for scientific observation of an environment over the long term. Vegetation, animals, water and climate are studied and compared with the data from other sites. Access to the reserve is strictly forbidden except for scientific purposes.
  • Marmotte sur son terrier
    Marmotte sur son terrier - Mireille Coulon - PNE


    The marmots are some of the permanent inhabitants of the grassland at the alpine level. . The view is very open, the herbaceous food is abundant and the soil sufficiently soft for them to be able to dig their burrows which are necessary for their survival.  Although this animal is wild animal, it can become accustomed to the presence of humans and some marmots have started the bad habit of begging for pieces of biscuit from hikers, crisps and apples. Please do not feed them ! These foods, which are unsuitable to their needs, damage their health and survival. Would you think of eating grass in order to survive?

  • Pavage sur le sentier du Lauvitel
    Pavage sur le sentier du Lauvitel - Cyril Coursier - PNE

    Traditional Paving

    The Lauvitel path is often used especially during the summer. To limit the occurrence of erosion linked to the impact of human use but also to water flowing from melting ice or rain water it is covered with traditional paving, maintained thanks to annual restoration.

  • Le hameau de la Danchère
    Le hameau de la Danchère - PNE

    Danchère Hamlet

    With its paved lanes, its fountains and its stone wash-house, the Danchère offers an ideal starting point for going to Lauvitel which attracts 30 000 visitors every year. It is one of the numerous hamlets that make up the commune of Vénosc.

  • Les décharges de la chapelle de la Danchère
    Les décharges de la chapelle de la Danchère - Cyril Coursier - PNE

    Danchère Chapel

    Dedicated to Saint Louis and to Saint Claude, Danchère Chapel displays its agreeable proportions to visitors. The stones forming the arc of a circle above the entrance and the window do not only have aesthetic value. They are rightly called "a relieving structure" because they help to redistribute the weight of the facade on both sides of the openings. In the recess hidden behind wire netting is a ceramic statue of Saint Louis created in the Tarn region.

Altimetric profile

Sensitive areas

Along your trek, you will go through sensitive areas related to the presence of a specific species or environment. In these areas, an appropriate behaviour allows to contribute to their preservation. For detailed information, specific forms are accessible for each area.
Impacted practices:
Aerial, Aquatic, Land, Vertical
Sensitivity periods:
Parc national des Écrins.

Golden eagle

Impacted practices:
Aerial, , Vertical
Sensitivity periods:
Parc National des Écrins
Julien Charron

Golden eagle

Impacted practices:
Aerial, , Vertical
Sensitivity periods:
Parc National des Écrins
Julien Charron

Peregrine falcon

Impacted practices:
Aerial, Vertical
Sensitivity periods:
Parc National des Écrins
Julien Charron

Short-toed snake eagle

Impacted practices:
Sensitivity periods:
Parc National des Écrins
Julien Charron


Is in the midst of the park
The national park is an unrestricted natural area but subjected to regulations which must be known by all visitors.

Information desks

Oisans Park house

Rue Gambetta, 38520 Le Bourg d'Oisans 76 80 00 51

Video presentation of the natural resources of the Oisans mountain and its crafts. Information, documentation about the Park, projections, reading space for children. Accessible to people with reduced mobility. Free admission. All animations of the Park are free unless otherwise stated.

Find out more


Parc national des Ecrins

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