From Charbillac to Les Payas
Lac de Barbeyroux en contrebas
Lac de Barbeyroux en contrebas - © Parc national des Ecrins - CDTE05

5. From Charbillac to Les Payas

History and architecture
Lake and glacier
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A short stage running through woods, with some great surprises in store such as the Chapelle des Pétêtes, the hamlet of Les Infournas Hauts and the Maison Forestière des Subeyrannes. 

A stage offering the added benefit of artistic, historical and heritage visits and tranquil breaks in a forest setting surrounded by mountains. 


At Charbillac, head south-east towards "Les Infournas Hauts" (4.2 km), following the GR and PR (Petite Randonnée, short-distance trail) waysigns. Turn left up the stony path which is rutted at first then smoothes out in the woods. At Le Gourjou: short steep and slippery stretch before crossing the road. The Chapelle des Pétêtes is worth the there-and- back 500-metre detour along paved road. Then carry on up a path opposite which rises steeply and then runs along a ridge until it reaches the Col de la Blache. Then take the track running downhill on the left until you come to Les Infournas: a charming restored and flower-filled hamlet. Follow signs for the Maison Forestière de Subeyrannes along a grassy track which runs uphill along the mountain stream Le Merdarel, at the foot of Le Cuchon. Continue straight on along the smooth, flat, drivable track which rises gently up to the place known as "Philibert" (sheltered picnic table). Turn left onto the easy, gently rising forest track.
  1. At "Pré Braqs", continue straight ahead on the track heading towards the Lac de Barbeyroux. At the track intersection in a clearing, turn right onto the PR (mountain biking ("VTT") waysigns). A panoramic view over the lakes and hedged farmlands of the Champsaur emerges into sight.
  2. At "Reviraou", do not go through the gate to a cow enclosure but go downhill to the right, to the meadow (arrow painted on a stone on the ground), following the fence line until you reach the marked PR path. Go around the lake.
  3. Take the drivable track which runs downhill to the left, called "Béal de Fonteniou". At La Blache, continue right along the main road, towards Les Payas. 
  • Departure : Charbillac
  • Arrival : Les Payas
  • Towns crossed : Bénévent-et-Charbillac, Les Infournas, and Saint-Bonnet-en-Champsaur

1 point of interest

  • Une ferme aux Roranches, Champsaur
    Une ferme aux Roranches, Champsaur - Marc Corail - PNE

    Champsaur architecture

    Today's landscapes and the houses are no accident. They bear the trace of humans, who were less concerned with building attractive places, than with striving to find the best rigorously functional solutions for the area. In the northern part of the Drac valley, an area often faced with a cold wind, hedges were planted, buildings were close together and almost blind on the north-facing side. On the balconies to the east, as in St-Michel-de-Chaillol or St-Julien-en-Chapsaur, the aim was to find sunlight and the facade often had a large porch.

Altimetric profile

Sensitive areas

Along your trek, you will go through sensitive areas related to the presence of a specific species or environment. In these areas, an appropriate behaviour allows to contribute to their preservation. For detailed information, specific forms are accessible for each area.

Short-toed snake eagle

Impacted practices:
Sensitivity periods:
Parc National des Écrins
Julien Charron


Retrace your steps, going due north along the Rue du Frisa then turn left onto the Chemin de Champ Chevril. After the stream in Pisançon, turn right towards the Château Robert. Cross the first road you come to and then turn left onto the D23. Take the first track on the right running uphill to Charbillac. 

Lac de Barbeyroux: watch out for fencing wires and posts which can be hidden in the tall vegetation!
At the Maison Forestière de Soubeyranne: Take the time to admire this enchanting location, perfect for a picnic under Le Barry. It offers a table, benches, water fountain, grass, shade, shelter and views of the Col du Noyer and the Faraut mountain. 

At the lake, a manmade pool, a lovely space has been laid out for picnicking: table, bench, trees, grass and WC. But watch out for any fencing wires and posts which may have been left in the tall vegetation! 

For those on horseback, the stage can be followed to the Centre Équestre Le Rocher equestrian centre, for the horses, and riders can find accommodation at the Gîte Le Rocher in Les Payas (to the right on the road) or at the self-catering Gîte Les Barbeyroux, or at the "Comme un Écrin" guest house located below the equestrian centre. 

The stage can also be followed to the La Combe Fleurie guest rooms, just as you enter St Bonnet (Rue de Chaillol, Champ Magnane district, accommodates horses and riders). To get there, go through Les Pelloux and Les Aliberts (see the next route guide). When you come to the D43, turn right and continue straight on for 500 metres (caution: fast-moving traffic). 

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